You are listening to music, but suddenly you are disturbed by the appearance of marmalades. You can drag them across the canvas or put them in a jar.

In the left panel, there are five tools that help in the game. The first one adds health when you hover over the player, the second one erases the jellies (carefully, if you erase 15 pieces, you will lose), the third one - the jar-moves the jelly automatically to the jar, the fourth and fifth change the cursor.

Be careful - jelly can teleport from the jar! The marmalades are teleported out of the jar, but this can be controlled by tapping on the hand that sometimes appears above the jar. It will help to detain the most frisky of the jams for a while.

You will win if you survive a wave of 150 jellies, but you will lose if the player runs out of lives.

--> Made for Scribble Jam:

Limitations of jam:

- scribble/doodle

- All text in game must be a made up language

Thanks for playing :)


dzhem.capx 559 kB


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The graphics are absolutely adorable! The concept is a bit simple, but overall good!

I came up with the idea of the game during the jam itself, and at first it seemed a little crazy, but I still decided to implement it. Thanks!


I love how the jellies combine to a bigger and look different then! The Doodle theme is on point as well.

But it's overall a bit confusing.

Thank you, I tried to follow the limitations of Scribble jam.

Thank you so much for your feedback! I listen to everyone.


Really cool concept and I LOVE your art style. I also love how the jellies combine and bounce and are just so unruly.

I had to learn new mechanics to make the jellies move, change, and behave like jellies. Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you liked the game!


 Really beutiful art style! Although i think you should make the last 2 options more distinct than the rest (maybe position them a bit further down or as a seperate group), since they are only cosmetic.

(1 edit)

Thank you, I'm a self-taught artist.

I like your recommendation, it's really good. I'll take a note of it and try to fix it later.

Thank you for playing my game!


Intresting idea. Not ordinary graphics, but i like it

Thanks! :)


Love the drawing style. Very nice animations and effects.

Thanks! I'm happy that you liked my game)